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Seventy Five Followers on my Blog…WOOT!!

Yes, it’s official. I just found out this morning that I now have seventy-five people following my blog. SEVENTY FIVE!! Not too shabby for two and a half months on WordPress.

I’d like to thank you each individually for following “Fortyteen Candles.” You are all highly intelligent, incredibly good-looking, have a sharp wit and a quick sense humor. Also, you are amazingly wonderful people. And the envy of millions. Thank you all for your interest, support and enthusiasm for my little old blog from the middle of nowhereville.

About Fortyteen Candles

oh, let's see...distinguished Gen-X'er, frustrated writer, suffocating in the confines of a small town that thinks it's a big deal. A few years ago we were home to the second largest Walmart in our state, don-cha-know. Oh, and I was voted "Most New Wave" in my senior high school year book. Actually, that last sentence alone is really everything you need to know about me.

6 responses »

  1. Seventy-five in 2-1/2 months? Are you paying people to follow?!?!?

    Seriously, congratulations. That is very impressive. It took me far longer than that!

  2. Congrats! I don’t know if you get into the awards on WordPress or not, but I nominated your blog for an award– More info can be found here:
    Enjoy the day & keep up the great work!


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